Video: Bucks County’s best, brightest and most involved earn Citizen Scholars Awards

I spent most of the month of May photographing, interviewing and videotaping citizen scholars.
Here is the video put together with the graphics. Which were merged together with the raw footage perfectly by Eric Arbore and the video team at the Intelligencer and Courier Times. Thanks to Eric and the rest of the team there. Fantastic job!!

A slide show of the portraits follows below:

Two Days, Two States, Six Assignments….

Friday and Saturday I was in two states and shot six assignments. Sunday seems like payday with all of the clips to share today. One assignment didn’t run yet, but will be published next Sunday.

Here they are. Clips from The Philadelphia Inquirer, Bucks County Courier Times, The Intelligencer and The Burlington County Times.
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I Am The “Image Hostage” and “The Hustler”

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I probably tweeted about this a while ago, but now I am finally getting around to posting a link to one of the interviews I did with Elaina Ransford last summer about some of my nightmare business experiences as a photographer. One of the worst, which was a three day shoot in NYC, was mentioned in The Freelancer by Contenly. Contently makes software to empower publishers, creatives and readers.

Speaking of Contently. Check this out, especially if you’re a freelancer. It’s a quiz for the freelance. Well, it’s actually geared towards a writer, but it may help you figure out which kind of freelancer you are if you don’t already know.
I’m “The Hustler.”

Here’s another article I was quoted in a while back from the New York Times about wedding photography.

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